miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2023


Regarding this second entry, I have chosen another typical ICT tool, called "YouTube". It is true that this one was created in 2005, and a great percentage of teachers are going to know about it. 

Firstly, I have to say that this ICT tool is a very popular and free video sharing website that allows registered users to upload and share video clips online. Moreover, to watch the videos, it is not mandatory to register.

Even though it was created in 2005, I have seen a lot of big chances regard to the way that this application worked in the first years of its creation and how it works nowadays. During 2005-2010, YouTube was like a beta, an application that was suffering changes in order to give the user the best experience. However, the years were going ahead and the application was improving and improving, until it was like it is nowadays.

I really got inspired by the creators of YouTube because they started at the bottom with big expectations, and they finally reached the top with their app. So, to me, it is an inspiration to see how they, in the end, could fulfill his dream.

Regard to this entry, I have chosen this ICT tool because I have a lot of experience with it, similar to Kahoot. Therefore, I know how it works, and I can use it in a classroom in order to get the best learning process for my students. In this case, we are going to work on two linguistic skills, which are reading and writing.

We are going to do an activity that involves the two linguistic skills mentioned previously. This activity is divided into three parts, which are the following ones:


We are working with a sixth grade in primary group, which has 20 students.


We are going to spend 60 minutes,20 minutes in first part and 20 minutes in the second part and 20 minutes in the third part.


Computer, whiteboard, projector, papers and the next YouTube channel: @AprendemosJuntos.

First part: reading 20 minutes

We are going to show all the students the different videos that we are going to watch. All the videos used in this first part are extracts from the channel "AprendemosJuntos". I have selected this channel because it is focused on education, and has English and Spanish videos.

Therefore, we are going to see in class one video or some clips of it, depending on the input level, the motivation and the previous knowledge of our students. For watching the videos, we are going to use YouTube with the option of subtitles. We use this feature in order to keep our students hooked on the class and to make the process of understanding the general message of the video easier.

Second part: writing 20 minutes

After watching and reading the videos, students are going to write, in turns, words or phrases that they do not understand on the whiteboard. 

When all students have their questions answered, they are going to sit in groups of four. Then they are going to write down two ideas. The first one related to what he/she liked the most about the video or his favorite idea mentioned, and the second was a summary of the general ideas of the video.

Third part: conclusion 20 minutes

We are going to give the pairs of students all the video transcripts, in order to compare what they have written with what the video really says. So, we are going to give them time to read and compare everything.

Also, if we have time, it would be great to do an oral activity of their opinions about the activity and their expectations before doing it.


AprendemosJuntos. [Aprendemos Juntos 2030]. (s.f). [YouTube channel]. Extract from: @AprendemosJuntos

Youtube. (s.f). Youtube ES. Extract from: Youtube

1 comentario:

  1. Thank you so much, Sergio, for suggesting Youtube as an ICT tool for ESL classroom. I am a big fan of this resource, the possibilities in Youtube are endless, there are plenty of high quality educational videos already published, of we can create our own Youtube channel also to provide genuine material personalised and adapted to our specific group of students.
    I like the ideas that you mentioned in the post.
    An ICT tool that it's worth mentioned also is Edpuzzle.com you can upload there any video and add some questions to check students' understanding. Also, there's an option for the teacher to view which students have already done the assigned task, and which ones haven't whatched the video yet, so it makes it perfect to be used with the methodology Flipped Classroom.
    Keep up the good work!


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